Homework for


Monday January 6th (205-6 ) / Tuesday January 7th (208) : Grammaire Hatier p 29 ex n°1 n°2 et n°3 (phrases


Mots de liaison ΰ apprendre + exercices 1.2 et 3 (cf plus bas)


Thursday January 9th(205-206) / Wednesday January 8th (208):  Livre Bridges p 32 (lire le texte ) + workbook p 13 et 14 Part I-II-III


Tableau des mots de liaison ΰ apprendre.

Mot de liaison (,) S+V

Mot de liaison+ nom/GN, S+V

S+V mot de liaison S+V

Mot de liaison S+V, S+V

ADDITION : de plus, en outre, par ailleurs, qui plus est…




What’s more








In order (not)to BV / So as (not)to bv: pour (ne pas), afin de (ne pas)


So that S V: de sorte que




Because of : ΰ cause de

As : comme


Since : puisque


Similarly, / Likewise,: de mκme



As : comme

As though / As if : comme si



CONCESSION : cependant                       en dιpit de                                             bien que


Still, /(and)yet,



In spite of

Although /though / Even though





As long as : tant que

Even if : mκme si

If : si

Or else / otherwise : sinon

Provided / providing : pourvu que

Unless : ΰ moins que

CONSEQUENCE : donc, par consιquent…                                                           si bien que




That’s why

Thus, (formel)


So that




Suppose / Supposing

In Case : au cas

If / Whether


on the contrary

Contrary to / unlike: contrairement ΰ


Whereas / while : alors que


Meanwhile, / In the meantime,: pendant ce temps

Yet (en fin de phrase nιgative) : encore

(en fin de phrase interrogative : dιjΰ)


For + durιe : depuis

Since + point prιcis : depuis

As : comme

As soon as : dθs que

Once: une fois que

Until / till : jusqu’ΰ ce que

Since : depuis


While : pendant que


Fiche d’exercices sur les mots de liaison :





Exercice 1 :Reliez les phrases suivantes, en les modifiant si nιcessaire, avec le / les mots) de liaison proposι(s).

1. We will start another trip around the world.                             We have enough money.

If: ....................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. We sold our house.                                                                   We could buy a beautiful boat.

In order to : ......................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………

So as to :.............................................. ...............................................................................................……………………

3. We had as much fruit and fish to eat as we wanted.                      We were constantly hungry.

Yet: : .............. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Although ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. We were afraid of wild animals.                                               One of us always stayed awake at night.

As: ...................................................................................................................................................................…………….

That's why: .... …………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. There was a big storm.                                                             We had to change our plans.

Because : .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Because of :   .............. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Exercice 2 : complete the blanks with the appropriate link word.( Rmq : instead of +V-ing = au lieu de)


1 ……………………….. it is very cold, it is not freezing.                          ( Though             because                              as )

2. It was Sunday and ………………………most shops were closed. (Since                    though                 therefore)

3. …………….. you refuse to work, I will not give you a present. (After                   though                 since)

4. They will come back …………………their work is over.                   (While                  though                 when)

5. ……………………it was raining, I took my umbrella.                          (If                           as                           though)

6. He works seriously …………………………. become an engineer. (In order to         in spite of           so that)

7. ………………………..some were dancing, others were watching TV. (Till                 since                     while)

8. Tomorrow is Sunday ……………………….. you can stay in bed till lunch-time. (As                               so                           if)

9. ……………………….. you marry Jenny, you will have to stop drinking and smoking. (So   therefore           if)

10. Most people didn't like the film ……………………….. it was boring. (After           if             because)

11. I would like to see Venice ……………………….. I die.                      (After                   though                 before)

12. I will tell them not to come ……………………….. we can work in peace. (So that                              because                              if)

13. He went to prison ……………………….. he had killed a man. (Because                  if                             before)

14. ……………………….. the bad weather, the plane couldn't take off on time. (Instead of                because of         in spite of)

15. ……………………….. the rain, the barbecue party was a success.             (Instead of         because of         in spite of)

16. You can have fish ……………………….. meat if you prefer.                          (Instead of         because of         in spite of)

17. You will not find a job ……………………….. you have passed your exam. (Therefore                     till                           so)

18. You will either work ……………………….. leave the firm.              (Or         so                           if)

19. ……………………… tomorrow is Sunday, you will be able to stay in bed till lunch-time. (As         so                           if)

20. ……………………….. his parents were away, he invited twenty friends to his party. (Though     so                           as)


Exercice 3 : Fill in the blanks with the appropriate link word in the list below:

Whereas – instead of – in spite of – whenever - -though – provided – as soon as - -yet

1. 1.Someone managed to get into our house ……………………………. the door was locked

2. She apologized for being rude, …………………………….her parents didn't forgive her.

3. You are reading comics …………………………….working

4. Many people enjoy pleasant holidays …………………………….others have to stay at home

5. You may have some wine …………………………….you don't drive your car tonight

6. He got up and went downstairs …………………………….he heard that noise

7. Mary keeps on being a nuisance …………………………….our remarks

8. …………………………….she hears that song, Mary starts crying

